Nervia A456

Nervia A456

Waterproofing Coating

Best roof waterproofing. Nervia A456 Waterproofing Coating, an ideal waterproofing material for concrete roof & external wall.

Nervia A456 not only provides the best performance for water-resistant and anti-UV, also forms breathable film with excellent adhesion to concrete substrates. The outstanding roof waterproofing product, A456, makes your house more comfortable.


  • Swimming Pool
  • Toilet, Balcony, Bathroom
  • Rooftop Deck , External Wall
  • Basement, Underground

Roof Waterproofing

Nervia A456, waterproofing coating can be a primer, intermediate, and even the top coating.

For primer, mix A456 with 50~100% water ; For intermediate and top coating, dilute A456 with 5~10% water. Between layers, allow to dry approximately 4 hours and apply crosswise.

A456 can be applied easily by spray, brush or roller.

(Coverage: 1.2~1.5 kg / m2)

Swimming Pool Waterproofing

Nervia A456, a superb waterproofing coating suitable for swimming pool.

After apply 3-layer A456, before drying, simply scatter fine sand prior to stick tiles onto surface. Thus, the swimming pool waterproofing simply can be done.


Our latest innovation for latex-based waterproofing material with low TVOC, and high elastic elongation (>500%) which makes the surface no more cracks appear.

Quick Setting

For housing DIY, with few steps, such as mixing, stirring, cleaning then apply 3 layers*, Nervia A456 keep waterproofing simple and exceptional.